Friday, February 28, 2014

Magic everywhere

Have you ever been amazed by a simple fact that was lying plain in your sight for years which you didn’t notice? 

I am being amazed now. I am being amazed by the simple yet great things that are lying around me. 

Like every child I too have the experience of playing with magnets. But I never gave a thought about how magnets work then, and here I am amazed by the fact that magnets in a way works because of special relativity.

Special relativity, I am yet to digest the fact that time is relative. A person travels in a high speed aircraft will age lesser than me watching the aircraft.

Did you use to look up the sky at night and enjoy the sight of stars around us? Me too. Then one day I learnt that what I see up there may not exist now. The star might have been exhausted or it might have became a black hole years ago. What I see there is the star which was there before years. 

I can list out a lot. Every fact or thing that I learn and understand about science and physics changes the way I see human life. We are just a tiny tiny tiny …. tiny fraction of the history of universe. Although here we are living our lives quarrelling with one another for inches of land.

There is something much bigger and much greater happening out there. 

Relax. Sit back and enjoy the show. 


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