Monday, August 23, 2010

A blind man I met

If you expect anything superficial about the blind man, there is nothing special about this old ordinary blind man. As I was sitting desperate about being lost in the interview ( to be honest I was pondering about the high pay and the luxurious life ) in the bus stop this man crossed by. I was the only person sitting there and it was about 7'o clock in the evening. I had noticed him quite sooner before he crossed me. He was walking with the help of a stick just placing it right on the line which divides the road and platform( which actually was ground full of stones and hurdles ). I must reveal here that it was a busy road. I didn't identify his blindness till he came close to me. After noticing that he was blind abruptly my mind thought as " Why is this silly old blind man walking in this busy road in the night when there is not enough light there ". Oops, Shame on me. What difference could a night and a day make in the journey of a blind man. It may be simple when you read this. Really, I felt like an idiot. I was just worrying about the salary and a deluxe car. On the other hand that blind man has a lot of things to worry about, as he was born with blind eyes ( I helped him to his home and gathered this info then ) he may be having many things to worry about. He don't even know anything visually about this world in which he was living for decades. Just imagine about his world. Its absolutely full of sounds and touches. Oh gosh I am gifted to be born human with no defects. Nothing matters, just have to live a life with those I have got with me and shouldn't care about those missing things around me. This post may seem petty for you but I felt like heaven after that moment.